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Week 1

To Prestwood and Beyond....!

Welcome to Summer 2 the final term of reception. Goodness, hasn't this year gone fast? This term always goes the quickest as we squeeze so many things into it. Our new topic is all about the area that we live and space. Already it is becoming a very popular topic. In the first week we wrote our addresses and soon some of you will be receiving your letter as we posted these during our walk around the village the following Monday. We were helped by some very lovely mummies and the children did really well as it was a very hot afternoon! 


Talking about the weather...thank you to all the parents who have slathered on the suncream, sent in sunhats and bottles of water. Please do keep an eye on the weather and keep sending the little ones in suitable clothing. 


We have begun Expert of the week so do have a look at the videos which will be added to the Expert of the Week page as well as linked here. It is great to hear all about the exciting hobbies and interests of the children and even better practise for the children to build their confidence and develop their vocabulary to speak out loud in front of their friends. 
