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Week 1

Week 1 - Settling into Reception


Congratulations - we have completed our first week of school! 


All the children attended on Thursday and Friday after a gentle staggered start. It was great to meet the parents and get to know you all. We are sure  you loved coming in to see how your little one was getting on as well as see the new look reception setting. We have changed our outdoor area as well as indoor area so that it is much more open and accessible. 


This week our new apples and cherries have been familiarising themselves with their new setting and the staff. We will also get to know the children very well and hopefully parents and carers too. Please do be patient with us as we get to know your faces for drop off and pick up. 


The first topic is Marvellous Me! in which we will be exploring families, themselves and their feelings. We would love to include everyone's family photos on a display in the home corner so if you have a family photo at home that you don't mind being on display for the term (or more), please do send it in. 
