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Week 1

Welcome back everyone.  What a start we have had to this half term.  In English we are reading Supertato!  The children have absolutely loved this story.  We have looked into comic books and how then re-wrote Supertato as a comic book using speech bubbles, sound effects and the use of exclamation marks. 

In Maths we started looking at halves, quarters and three quarters. We are now using our times tables (2, 5 and 10) more frequently, so lots of practise at home please. 

In Science we are looking at Humans!  Today the children labelled as many parts of the human body as they knew.  In Topic we are looking at Women who have made a difference in history.  This week we have learnt about Florence Nightingale and what hospitals were like before and after she became a nurse. 

In Art we looking colour.  This week we looked at the Primary Colours (Red, Yellow and Blue) and learnt how to hold a paintbrush correctly to make a brush stroke. 

In Life Skills this week we learnt about our beautiful planet and how we are ruining it with all our rubbish.  


Abacus is up and running.  Please make sure you log in and complete these tasks.  This consolidates your child's learning for the week. 

Just a quick reminder to order your child's lunch in advance, ensure books and reading records are in their blue bags, nail varnish to be removed before the start of the week, and if your child wears earings they must be plain studs.  It is advisable to NOT have earings in on a Wednesday or Thursday as these are PE days.  Please look at the school uniform policy for wearing the correct items. 
