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Spring 1 Week 1

Week 1 Timetable

Welcome to week one of our remote learning! 


Each day we will set you a phonics activity, just like we have at school, and then you will have a zoom English and Maths lesson. . We will start our zoom learning on Thursday so we have added some video lessons for you to try on Wednesday. In the afternoon we will set you a foundation subject activity for you to try with your grown up. Please also read to them and share a story, just like we would do in school. 



Thursday: Revise phase 3 sounds. (This link lists the sounds in phase 3 with the option to print flashcards if this is something you would like/are able to do). 

Ask your child to read the sounds to you. If they seem fairly confident with them, simply practise a few times, perhaps using different voices, for example in a whisper, or like a robot etc. If there are some sounds which your child couldn’t remember immediately, you could focus on these - discuss the sound made, think of some words we might find them in.  


Friday: Revise phase 3 sounds. Today, ask your child to write the sounds as you say them. Check that the digraphs (2 letters making one sound) are written the right way round. If these are not fluent, continue to practise writing the sounds you call out. If your child is confident, ask them to write a simple word containing some of the sounds. Ask your child to do “robot arms” to segment the word into sounds before writing e.g. “”. 


Foundation Subjects

Wednesday: Topic 

Our new topic for this half term is “Crazy Creatures” encompassing a variety of real and imaginary animals. We would like the children to show off what they already know so ask them to draw or write anything they want to tell us about animals. Perhaps they could tell us about one creature in particular e.g. its appearance, where it lives, what it eats etc. This could be a couple of sentences or in the form of a mind map with phrases or words around the page. 

Once the class email address is set up, feel free to email us a picture of your child’s work. 


Thursday: Science

If we were together in school today, we would have been taking the children on a Seasons walk around the school grounds. If it is possible for you to go out for a walk in the village/your garden, please do so, or simply look out of the window. Ascertain with your child which season we are in now and how we might observe that in nature e.g. bare branches, frost, decaying leaves. Please also discuss what the weather like and what clothing is suitable/required for being outside right now. Outside, what can you see, hear, smell or feel? If you can evidence your findings with some drawings or photos, we would love to see these. 


Friday: Computing

Please help your child to search for images of their favourite animals by typing the animal name into the search bar. We use Safe Search at school - - you might like to try this. 

The aim of this lesson was to learn to search so there is no need to anything after that, but if you would like to help your child to copy and paste their chosen images into a word document or an email to send to us, then please feel free. 

Phonics Lesson: Phase 2 tricky words

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Recap some of our tricky words.

Wednesday's English Lesson

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Remember all the things we need to include in a sentence and have a go at writing some of your own.

Wednesday's Maths Lesson

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Have a go at exploring your number bonds to 10 with this maths lesson!