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Week 1

Welcome to the start of Autumn 2 in which we will be learning all about different celebrations and festivals. It is called 'Let's Celebrate!' 

We are excited to begin with Bonfire night as it is coming up at the end of this week. We are sure that many of you are looking forward to warming your hands by a good bonfire, seeing some amazing fireworks and tucking into toffee apples, parking and bonfire toffee. 


This week we have watched videos of firework displays, thought of words to describe them and even our own firework onomatopoeic sounds to emulate the sounds of real fireworks. We were very loud! During child initiated play, many children made some firework pictures from all sorts of things. We listened to the basic story of Guy Fawkes and some of the children knew the song 'Remember, remember, the 5th of November'. 


We hope that you enjoy the firework displays and remember to saty safe. 


The EYFS team 
