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Self Portraits

In our Castle topic, we like to dress up as Kings and Queens, take a photo and use it to paint a self portrait. We then display the paintings and they are always really amazing! You could try this at home too so join in with the zoom live lesson for some top tips!

You might want to use the crown you made last week and something to use as a cloak (a throw or dressing gown) to dress up in and then ask your grown up to take a picture. 


You will need:

  • paints - white, black, red, yellow and blue
  • paintbrushes and water
  • paper 
  • an image of you dressed as a queen or a king (if not, then look at yourself dressed up in a mirror)


You will need to look at the image of yourself really carefully and paint yourself. What colours will you need for your eyes, skin and hair? What colour is your crown and cloak? Can you mix these? 

Think about what you will paint first...your head or something else? Go through each part of your picture and add in the details. Remember to wash your brush or your paints will all go brown!


We look forward to seeing your results.




