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Today is world book day! 


This is a special day where we can celebrate reading and stories, make sure that you take some time to read with your grown up today smiley


Mrs Cordell will be doing a zoom this morning to introduce your jobs and then a zoom in the afternoon where she will read you a story. 


Your jobs today are all about a book character. You can chose whichever character you like, they might be from your favourite story or a famous story like The Gruffalo, Izzy Gizmo or Jack and the beanstalk. Your first job is to think about that character, draw a picture of them and write down something they might say in a speech bubble. We would also like you to think about what they might have in their pocket (or carry with them). For example, Izzy Gizmo might carry some tools to help her with her invention. You may with to use one of the templates below one of which is a "spicier" challenge with some extra things to think about. 


Your second job is more creative, we would like you to make your character! You could use junk modelling, make a collage, draw or paint them; whatever works for you at home. In school we are going to be making our characters using lolly sticks so that we can use them as puppets. We would love to see some photos of your creations! 


We have also uploaded a word search that you may like to try. 
