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Summer 2 Jubilant Journeys

This week, we have had a lot of fun exploring and making our own savoury salad.  We had a look and a taste of some salads that are sold in shops and decided which one we preferred.  We tasted a variety of salad ingredients and chose our 4 favourite tastes and textures.  We learnt how to peel, cut and grate safely and then prepared our own delicious salads!  We were very proud of our products.

This week Year 2 had a fantastic trip to Mop End field studies centre.  We had a brilliant day outside, searching for invertebrates in the woodland and pond.  In the classroom we thought about the kind of creatures that we would find in each of these habitats, we thought about the ways that we thought they would move and what colour we thought they might be.  We all voted for the movement and colour that we would find most of - we thought mainly green or brown in the woodland and creatures that could run and mainly brown in the pond and creatures that could swim.  

We were very excited by our finds and couldn't believe that we found a newt and a toad in the woodland area as we expected these to be nearer the pond.  We found lots of millipedes, centipedes, spiders, woodlice, a huge slug and an enormous violet ground beetle - we loved being able to look at these up close with our magnifying glasses.

After a delicious packed lunch in the picnic area, we set off for the pond.  We had to kneel carefully on the wooden platforms and swirl our nets in a figure of eight shape in the water.  We then emptied the net into a tray filled with water so we could see what we had caught.  We found hoglice that look just like woodlice, newts, dragonfly and mayfly nymphs, skaters and water boatmen - we were surprised to find transparent creatures in the pond but we worked out that they were camouflaged to keep them safe from predators.  The best find of the day was a Great Diving Beetle - it was huge and our teacher, Teresa, had only seen two of them in the 15 years that she had worked there.  What an exciting find!

Have a look at some of our learning this week!

In Year 2 this week, we have been very busy learning to tell the time in 5 minute intervals.  We then worked out the time ten minutes later.

In Art, we have been thinking about sculpture and used papier mache to make different features - such as eyes, noses and mouths - we will then be making our own sculpture of a character from the story of Squash and a Squeeze.

In Science we have been finding out more about seeds and plants.  We looked at a variety of seeds and sorted them by size, colour, shape or what sort of plant we thought they might be.   We used magnifying glasses to look closely at the seeds and described what they looked like to see if our partner could guess which seed we were looking at.

We really enjoyed our trip to the church to sing to the Friendship club.  The children sang beautifully and everyone had a lovely afternoon.

We can't believe it is out final half term in Year 2 - the time seems to have flown by!

This week in English we started our new Topic by looking at the book The Journey by Aaron Becker.  It is a beautiful picture book where a little girl goes on a quest but the book has no words!  This means the children have been using their imaginations to tell the story in their own words.  So far we have written a diary entry as if we were the little girl, sitting alone at the start of the story and then finding a magic crayon.  We then wrote a detailed description of the city that she arrived at - using expanded noun phrases, powerful verbs and adverbs to really set the scene.

Have a look at the video below to see the story for yourself!"

Journey by Aaron Becker - Orchestral score by Rob Davies performed by NotePerformer 3

A lonely girl draws a magic door on her bedroom wall and through it escapes into a world where wonder, adventure, and danger abound. Red marker in hand, she creates a boat, a balloon, and a flying carpet that carry her on a spectacular journey toward an uncertain destiny.

Here is our Topic Grid!

Have a look at our Topic Grid for this half term!
