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Fancy doing some simple science experiments at home. Take a look at the following website for some excellent ideas:
In school, we use a website called "Explorify" to help children to develop their scientific thinking. They have released some home school resources for you to explore at home. Please do give it a go and feel free to send in any of your missions!

We hope you are all keeping safe and well.  It's the summer holidays! Yippeeeeee 

If your science brain needs some stimulation over the break then why not have a look at these STEM challenges. 

The pictures are as clear as I can get it I'm afraid, but I have put a printable copy below should you wish to print it off and website links for you too. 

Have a wonderful science filled summer and we look forward to hearing about all your activities.

Why not have a go at making oobleck!!!  What is oobleck I hear you cry?  It is simply a mixture of cornflour and water. 

You will need 1kg of cornflour, water (added until the consistency is wet, but solid when squeezed), food colouring (Optional), ice cubes trays (optional),  a mixing bowl, colander, funnel and beakers (again optional, but great for messy fun!).


How does Ooleck work?   Cornflour oobleck is made up of molecules arranged in long chains.  When the chains are stretched the liquid will flow, but when you force them together they stick to form a solid.    You don't have to use 1kg you can use however much you want.  Just add water slowly until the consistency is wet, but solid when squeezed. 


Now have some fun!  It's great for practising writing your letters and numbers in.  Have a go a pouring it through colanders and funnels. 


FUN FOR ALL AGES!  Yes mum, dad and anyone in the house can join in the messy fun too!




Why not have a go at these science projects? Don't forget to check into your year group pages too.
