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Good afternoon! 


This half term we will be looking at religious stories and their meanings. We will also learn about Chinese New Year and Shrove Tuesday. 


In today's live lesson we will be looking at the parable of the Good Samaritan.  Below is a copy of the story for you have a look at. 


Mission One

Can you put the events of the story in order? You can use the pictures below to cut and stick or you can draw the main events in order on a piece of paper. Can you add a sentence under each picture to explain what is happening? 

Mission Two

Have a think about what you would do if you saw the man lying injured on the side of the road. Would you ignore him or would you stop and help him? Why? Discuss your ideas with a grown up. If your grown up is busy working why don't you tell your brother or sister if you have one. If not tell your favourite teddy what you would do. 


Mission Three

What could you do to be a good friend or neighbour to someone? Write a list of all the things that you could do to help someone. 


Please send us in any examples of your work children. We would love to see them! 
