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Moat Lane Pre School

Hello all! This year as we were not able to do our usual stay and play's or open day, please join us on a virutal tour of both rooms. We look forward to seeing you all next week! 


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Virtual tour of our Orchard Room :)


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Virtual tour of inside of our Rainbow Room


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Virtual tour of outdoor Rainbow Room :)

Preschool Staff,

We are looking forward to Seeing you all in September.

We have been super busy this week! Mixing two colours together to create new ones, drawing around our bodies and adding our features and just having loads of fun!

Welcome back Rainbow Room!

Fun in the Sun


We are very excited to be running a holiday club this summer to support parents and children. This will be running on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays in the following weeks:


  • Week commencing 20th July
  • Week commencing 3rd August
  • Week commencing 17th August
  • Week commencing 24th August

The sessions will be running from 9am - 3pm at a cost of £30 per session.


If you would like more information or would like to book your child a place on this then please email Sarah Keeble at


We look forward to seeing lots of you there!

                                    Preschool can open too.

Dear Parents, we have had confirmation that Preschool can provisionaly open on June 1st. Please rest assured that we are foll.owing government guidlines to ensure we provide a safe environment for both staff and children.


The Department for Education (DfE) has today confirmed that early years providers in England will be able to open to children of all ages - regardless of whether or not their parents are key workers - as of Monday 1 June at the earliest.

It's important to note that this date is provisional, and dependent on scientific evidence.

NB: The DfE has confirmed to the Alliance that the Monday 1 June date applies to childminders as well as nurseries and pre-schools, despite earlier government guidance stating that childminders could open from Wednesday 13 May. The guidance confirms that childminders will be able to look after children of all ages, in line with usual limits on the number of children they can care for.​

New guidance published by the DfE this evening states that:

  • Demand for childcare is likely to be lower than usual at first, and existing space requirements and staff to child ratios for these age groups should allow for small group working.
  • Where the physical layout of a setting does not allow small groups of children to be kept at a safe distance apart, the DfE expects practitioners to exercise judgement in ensuring the highest standards of safety are maintained.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary for providers to introduce a temporary cap on numbers to ensure that safety is prioritised. 

The guidance adds that it is "important to reduce contact between children and staff as far as possible" and that early years settings should aim to ensure that "children, and staff where possible, mix in a small group and keep that small group away from other people and groups", adding that "for pre-school children in early years settings, the staff to child ratios within Early Years Foundation Stage continue to apply, and we recommend using these to group children".

The DfE also states that if necessary, educational settings have the flexibility to initially focus on continuing to provide places for priority groups and recommends that any early years provider doing so should prioritise three- and four-year-olds, followed by younger age groups.

The full guidance is available here​.

The government has also published guidance on implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings, available here.

Guidance for parents and carers is available here.

Home learning fun! Please email preschool any pictures of things you have been up to, we would love to see them.

Why not make your own Playdough


Dear Parents/Carers

One of our preschool class reps has very kindly set up Zoom meetings for each of the preschool rooms every Tuesday.

This is a lovely opportunity for the preschool children, staff and parents to all keep intouch.

If you don't already have the link please email the preschool   and we will forward it to you.

Thank you

Mrs Sharon

Dear Parents 

Please click on this link to read the government advice on helping children age 2 to 4 to learn at home during this Coraonavirus lockdown.


Happy Mother's Day

Sorry we were not able to sing this to you all before school closed but we hope maybe your children will sing it to you.

We wish you a Very Happy Mothers Day.

I'm going to be good today

You won't believe your eyes,

I'm going to be good today 

Shall I tell you why?

I'ts Mother's Day, I'ts Mother's Day 

Its Mother's Day today.


I will make a special card

You won't believe your eyes,

I will make a special card

Shall I tell you why?

I'ts Mother's Day, I'ts Mother's Day 

Its Mother's Day today.


I will give a bunch of flowers

You won't believe your eyes,

I will give a bunch of flowers 

shall I tell you why?

I'ts Mother's Day, I'ts Mother's Day 

Its Mother's Day today.


I will tidy up my toys

You won't believe your eyes,

I will tidy up my toys

Shall I tell you why?

I'ts Mother's Day, I'ts Mother's Day 

Its Mother's Day today.


I will give my mum a hug

You won't believe your eyes,

I will give my mum a hug

Shall I tell you why?

I'ts Mother's Day, I'ts Mother's Day 

Its Mother's Day today.

I'ts Mother's Day, I'ts Mother's Day 

Its Mother's Day today.


Chinese New Year

Its the year of the Rat

We had fun this week learning about Chinese New Year, we turned our role play area into a Chinese house, with a low table and cushions on the floor to sit on. We used a wok to cook with and Chinese bowels and cups along with chopsticks to eat from. The children decorated the house with lanterns they had made and paper chains, and took home a money envelope. At snack  time the children used chopsticks to eat noodles and prawn crackers, then they opened fortune cookies.


Our Nursery Rhyme Challenge............ starting w/c 13th January 2020


Welcome back to all our preschool children old and new.and a big THANK YOU from me and all the preschool staff for all our lovely Christmas gifts especially our biscuit decorating workshop which we are really looking forward to. We will be sure to take lots of photos.

We have got another term of exciting activities up our sleeves so watch this space for photos of all our antics.

Please remember to provide suitable clothing and wellie boots as we do still go outside despite the cold/wet weather.

With the cold and possibly snowy weather to come, please ensure we have your correct contact numbers. In case of school closure you will be notified via parent mail.

Finally we would like to welcome Mrs Annie who has joined our team, Annie has returned to Prestwood after living in America for many years where she managed a Preschool, so she brings with her lots of valued experience, and I know she is very excited and can't wait to get to know the children and we are looking forward to working with her.

Christmas Time Fun

To all preschool children in the Rainbow Room and Orchard Room

Christmas Party

                                                       Date:  Wednesday 18th December

                                                       Time:  1pm -2.45pm

                                                       Dress: Party Clothes / Christmas Jumpers

                                                       Place:  Orchard Room

Stick Man in the Rainbow Room, We have been reading the story of stick man and doing lots of exciting activities to go with the story.

Welcome to Autumn term 2

       Over the next few week we will be exploring, Autumnal changes looking at colours, weather, animals that hibernate, Christmas and World Celebrations.

       It is starting to get colder, so please ensure  your child has a warm waterproof coat, hat and if possible some wellingtons to change into. Please don't worry about  gloves we have a basket full that the children can help themselves to and they are something that we always seem to lose so have found it easier to just have some that are kept here.

Settling into preschool

Preschool 2019/2010

Welcome to all our preschool families, old and new. The children are all settling well into our two preschool rooms, and the staff are enjoying getting to know them. We are looking forward to working together with you, and supporting the children as they learn and develop in our fun filled play based environment.

Please take a look at the photos above of the children exploring preschool.

Our Sponsored Rhyme Challenge

We are very proud of all the children, not only did they learn 10 Rhymes but they performed them to you all, and didn't they do well.

Thank you again for your support, coming to watch and for the sponsor money we have had so far. Once we have a total amount we will let you know what we have spent the money on..



World Book Day Fun

Its Pancake Day

Our Pancake Rhyme


Mix a pancake

Stir a pancake

Pop it in the pan


Fry a pancake

Toss a pancake

Catch it if you can

Practising for our Rhyme Challenge

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Still image for this video

Nursery Rhymes Challenge - starting w/c 14th January


Still image for this video

Welcome back and Happy New Year

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed the Christmas break. All the staff would like to say a big thank you for our lovely gifts and the vouchers for afternoon tea, which we can't wait to use.



A big welcome all our new children starting this term both in the Orchard Preschool room and the Rainbow room.

The rainbow room can take children from 2yrs old until the September after their 3rd birthday when they move into the older room for 3 and 4 year olds. We are sure you will enjoy coming and getting involved with all the fun activities we have planned.



Christmas Party

Run Run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Men.


This week in preschool we are making Gingerbread men, the children have enjoyed reading the story and we have also learnt a Rhyme.


Here is a very simple recipe, as this is a lovely activity to do at home over the Christmas holidays.



Gingerbread Rhyme
 Stir a bowl of gingerbread

smooth and spicy brown.

Roll it with a rolling pin

up and up and down.

With a cookie cutter

make some little men.

Put them in the oven ,

Until half past ten.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Our Christmas activities have begun. With lots of help from the children we have changed our role play area into a Winter Wonderland. The children loved helping us with this, especially decorating the tree.

We now have tinsel and baubles everywhere but it is all their own work. and they are very proud of it.! They even dressed Mrs Mel up!










Now the children have all settled each half term we will be running stay and play sessions. These will be on different days each time in the hope that you will all have the opportunity to come in and play with us. We have a sheet up in the entrance hall for you to sign if you are able to make it.




     Monday 19th November at 2pm




Today we learnt about Diwali, we dressed up made Diva's and got to try some Indian foods.



















Autumn Term 2


Welcome back after the half term holiday, and welcome to our new staff member Miss Jayde, she will be working with Mrs Violet and Mrs Rachel in the younger preschool room from January.  We cant believe we are now on the count down to Christmas! and what an exciting time we have in store.

Our topic for this half term is "Colour, Pattern and Celebrations" We will be looking at Autumnal changes in our environment such as colour changes, weather and hibernation and talking about Halloween, Bonfire night, Diwali leading up to Christmas and how children celebrate around the world.

This year we have decided not to do a Christmas nativity, we have thought long and hard about this and decided as a team that  for the preschool children it is not beneficial. However we will be having a Christmas party on the last morning of term. (Wednesday 19th December) Please look out for more details nearer the time. When you come to collect after the party you will be invited in to listen to the children sing  a couple of their favourite Christmas songs.

We do intend to do an assembly later in the school year when the children are settled.


  • Please can we remind you to name all items of clothing, especially hats and gloves now the cold weather is here.
  • Lots of children are not returning their library books to be changed, please check with your key worker your child's library day. Reading with your child is one of the most important things you can do in preparation for school.
  • Sharon is now looking at the January register we do have a few spare sessions, so please let Sharon know if you would like more.

More all About Me

This week we have been busy planting flowers in our preschool garden and talking about how to look after them, the children also enjoyed making a dinosaur world in our large tyre, and sun catchers from some old CD's. Our bug hotel is getting busy with lots of insects looking for somewhere to stay and the children are enjoying looking at the different bugs.



We had our first PE lesson in the school hall and this was received with lots of positive feed back from the children, who absolutely loved it. We encouraged the children to talk about the effects of exercise on their body and encouraged them to climb, jump etc safely    



Following the children's interests they helped us to make a Woodland Den inside which they filled with lots if animals, We then read the story "Ridiculous" and talked about hibernation.         


Over the last few weeks we have been introducing the children to lots of different malleable resources, such as, shaving foam, corn flour dough, pasta, play doh and shredded wheat  allowing them to touch,smell and explore different textures. The cornflour dough was a big hit.  You might like to try making this at home, it is so easy and very therapeutic. Simply add cold water to a few spoonfuls of cornflour.We did this on trays sitting at a table.




Library Books

Just a reminder to bring back your library books on your child's allotted day so that they can choose another one. If you are not sure which day is your library day please ask your child's key worker.

Preschool 2018/2019


Welcome to all our new families and welcome back to those that were with us last term. The preschool team are very excited to get to know all the children and have been very impressed  at how well they have all settled so far. Our first topic is All about Me, this will help us in getting to know all the children through some fun and exciting activities.

Keep checking as some photos will be added soon.

Settling into Preschool.
