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Remember our learning yesterday making clocks!

Today we are going to be practising using the clocks to read O clock and Half past times.


Lets practise O’ Clock times first. With O clock times, the longer, minute hand will always be on the 12, the shorter, hour hand will show which O' Clock time it is. For example, 3 O Clock looks like this…. 



For a half past time, the minute hand has moved half way around the clock (can you remember which number is half way round?) Number 6, the hour hand also moves past the number, as the o clock time has past, have a look at half past 2, the minute hand has moved half way around the circle and the hour hand has moved past the 2 and is on its way to 3 which is the next number, and the next O clock time.



Independent tasks: Have a look at the times on this sheet, can you say what times they are? You could even try writing them down. 



