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To warm your brains up this morning, have a go at singing along to the counting in 2's song below:

The Counting by Twos Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden

Go up into space as you count up by twos with a dog and a song on a crazy rocket cruise! The Counting by Twos song teaches skip counting by 2.

3D Shapes and their properties

Today we will be focusing on exploring the faces on 3D shapes. Take a look at the picture above to see what a face is.


See if you can find something in your home that is a cube shape. Feel the faces of the cube and count how many there are.


Cool Mission:

Do you think the number of faces a shape has affects whether it can roll or not? have a go at the following investigation and let me know what you find out:

Mild Mission:

Have a go at counting how many faces there are on the shapes given below:

Hot Challenge:
Fiery Challenge:

Great work everyone. Check out our 3d shaped snowmen below. Can you guess which shapes they have used?
