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Today in Maths we are going to try and order coins by their value. Start by watching the video below, then have a go at the challenge set underneath.

UK Coins Explained for Kids - Maths Money Learning Video

For more fun activities to teach your child about money and UK coins head to our Homework Help area: learning about the...

If you have coins available then spread them out and ask your child to try and put them in order of their value. If they need help then watch the video again or look at the picture above to guide them. 


If you have no coins available but have access to a printer then you can click on the document below to print off the coins. Once you have done this you can cut round them and then try and put them in the correct order.


If you have no coins and have no access to a printer then play the game below. Click on the purple button labelled 'Ordering' then click on the '1p to 20p' button. From here you will be asked to order coins by their value.
