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Information for Parents

Play is a child's work! It is what they do all day and learning through play is much more valuable than learning by rote. You can help your child by playing with them at home too. It may seem a bit silly at first putting on silly voices or joining in with a dolls's tea party but the results are amazing and so enriching to your child's vocabulary, social skills through turn taking or asking for things in a polite way or just strengthening the bond you have with your little one. 

It may only be five minutes or maybe more but please do engage in play with your child. Let us know if it makes a difference to the way they speak and behave. You are their first teacher and role model so have a go at playing and let us know. 

We are unable to host Stay and Play which we normally do each year so you can see our environment and have a play with your children in the setting due to the Cornovirus this isn't possible. If you have a fab play session with your children, send us the feedback and we can add it to our page. 


Many thanks 


Mrs Smith & Mr Edmonds

Our lovely parents - you have been sent a wish list of the things that we would find useful to make over our outdoor space. Its great already however with a few more provisions we could make it a richer learning environment for our marvellous pupils, not just this year but the up and coming years too. 

Please have a peruse and if you have anything that looks useful, we would love to take it off your hands. If you know of anyone in the community that may be able to help us that would be fabulous too. As they say, every little helps and once we have some basics, then we can hopefully dip into the school budget or start a fundraiser for the big stuff!


Many thanks 


The EYFS and Pre-School Team 

EYFS wish list for a revamped outdoor space

  • What a hiccup with Parent's Evening yesterday! We are hoping to re-arrange for Thursday 15th October so watch this space!

  • As the weather is rather inclement at the moment, we would be extremely grateful if children could come to school with waterproof coats with hoods and wellies. The labelled wellies can be left at school so a cheap and cheerful pair would be brilliant!

Useful tips
