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Information for parents

Hello and we hope that you had a wonderful half term holiday. As the days draw in and it becomes chillier, we head into Autumn 2. We hope that Parent's evening was useful and do let us know if you would like to follow up any conversations or have any further enquiries. 

We look forward to the new term and all the new learning that will be going on. 


Please do keep looking at Tapestry as well as the website for up to date information about this term. 


Mrs Smith, Mrs Kirby& Mr Edmonds 


PS Please do scroll down for new information. 

Our PE day is Tuesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in a named kit. Sounds a little silly however naming everything is a good idea!

Water Bottles
Please send your child to school with a named, filled water bottle which will be kept in the classroom.  This will be sent home at the end of each day for washing.  Please refill the water bottle and bring it back the next day. In accordance with our policy, water bottles must be filled with plain water. 

Outdoor Curriculum
As part of the curriculum, your child will be outside for approximately 50% of the day.  Please provide named wellington boots (to be kept at school) along with a named, warm, waterproof coat to allow us to access this area whatever the weather!

Reading Books
When your child brings home their reading books, please talk about the pictures, characters and setting and ask them to re-tell the story and predict what happens next. Please practise the Tricky Words that you will find in their book bags on a daily basis. 

Your child should be dropped off at the Reception gate every morning. A staff member will be ready to help your child when they get inside. If your child is feeling anxious about entering school independently, please speak to the class teacher.   

Resources and how you can help us.
As part of our creative curriculum, Reception children have constant access to junk modelling resources. If you have any unwanted cereal boxes, washed yoghurt pots etc. we would be very grateful for donations (no boxes that have had food containing nuts in them please).

Please ensure you have ordered your child’s lunches online, we can order at the start of the day if you forget. You do not need to send in a snack for break time as school will provide this. The children can choose a school meal or bring pack lunch however not both! Thank you. 


  • Please do remember to check the Tapestry app for the activities that are going on this week. 

  • If you would like to send in some copies of family wedding photos, we would love to share them with the reception children and display them in our Home corner. 

  • We have noticed that the children's book bags are very full and we are struggling to get them into their trays. We are hoping that you can help us by only having one small keyring on the bag and ensuring the book bag only contains essentials for the day e.g. Reading record and book. Any extra clothes and supplies can be kept in a separate small bag on their peg in the cloakroom.  

  • Can we also please gently remind you that any small items from home should stay at home in case they are lost at school and not returned.

  • If you have any junk modelling we could use, we would love to take it off your hands. Any clean, empty boxes and cartons that are allergen free would be great. Thank you.  

