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Information for parents

Amendment to the reading information:


Earlier in the year it was said that Tricky words and numbers would be given out as part of reading however this has been changed so that only books will be sent home. We have introduced a new reading scheme (Little Wandle) and as part of this system we will no longer be sending tricky words home. We are sorry for the confusion this has caused. 




The EYFS team 

Well done for reading with your children so far. We have seen that many parents have signed off the reading records. There have been a couple things that we would like to clarify about our new reading book system.


  • The reading books will be changed once a week on Thursdays during PE, so please can you ensure that your child brings their reading books and records in on this day. Ideally we would like the books to be in daily as we may read with them throughout the week, however the books must be in on Thursday.


  • According to goverment guidance: The Reading Framework, it has been stipulated that the children will be allocated decodable books that they can read using the phonic sounds that have explicitly been taught to them in their phonics lessons. All the children will begin on Lilac books and when assessed by their teachers, will move on to decodable books with cvc words. 




  • Please don't worry if your child receives a book that they may have had before as it is always good to read familar books and retell the stories in a different way. Please see the guidance below from the Reading Framework:



You have all had information about reading from Mrs Hunt and if not, please do get in touch. 



Hello and welcome to a brand new year. Well done to you all for getting your little lovelies organised and ready for Reception. They are going to have a fantastic year of new experiences, learning and fun. 


We will use these pages to let you know of any thing you might need to know or may find useful for your children in their Reception year of school. If you are unsure of anything, please do ask. We can do quick chats at drop off or pick up however we can devote more time and detail if you make a telephone appointment or send in your enquiries via the office email. 


Mrs Smith, Mrs Hunt & Mr Edmonds 


Some useful ideas and accounts to follow

We need you....!


Yes, we need your help and if you know someone who would like to volunteer some of their time to assist us with our Reception children, we would love to hear from you. We are, sadly, unable to have parents of the current cohort in with us however if there are any friends that would like to let them know. We need readers and volunteers to help with snack time and also some admin tasks. 


Thank you so much in advance.


The EYFS Team x  
