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Information for parents

Well this week the weather had definitely changed and our message is the opposite to the previous one!


  • Please do ensure your child has a waterproof coat or jacket and some wellies. We do have wellies in school so if they need to borrow some, we have lots. We do not have spare coats though so we do need the children in suitable attire.

  • The children are still bringing their toys/watches/keys in from home and possibly sneaking them into their bags surreptitiously...please do ask them to check their bags as broken or lost items will be very sad for everyone. 

  • Sports day is on Thursday and let us send out good vibes for a dry day! 

Its been brilliant weather with a lot of sunshine so please do remember to send in a water bottle, a sun hat and put on some sun cream to stay protected from the rays. We have had a few pairs of sunglasses in, so can we just remind you to check bags as precious items may get lost or broken and are safer at home. 


Again, thank you for being super organised and ordering lunches as we have only to check them! 


