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Information for parents

This week is Children's Mental Health Week (1-7 February 2021)

It is an important week as we find ways to 'express ourselves' to keep our children's wellbeing positive and happy. It is not only for children as it is a great opportunity to look at parent well being too and ensure that you are taking the time to be your best selves for the little people in your lives. 


Here are a few ideas to help you support our little ones and in turn to boost yourselves too.

5 ways to boost your child's confidence

Just a little helpful tip to keep you all going this week. This is a post by a lovely lady called Jenni who is a kid's emotional coach. She has an instagram account called @jennihoneyben which is full of useful knowledge to help you boost your children's well being. Do have a look if you have a moment. 

Another week is almost over and we just want you to know what a fantastic job you are all doing. We love seeing all the effort that is being put into learning at home. We are using the photos to make posters to go up onto our Learning Journey display. 


Do remember that if you are unable to attend the Live Lessons, there is plenty of material on the Reception web page. We know that you might have up days and down days and not every day is going to be full of enthusiasm for learning. On days like that, you can do other things and do what is right for you and your children. Learning can take place in all sorts of can always come back and cover missed learning later.


Take care and enjoy your weekend. 


 The Reception Team 

I love this book and in these times, we can can be heartened by the wisdom of the boy and the horse. 

Hello all, 


We have been enjoying looking at the home learning that has been going on and do keep sending them in. We have had a suggestion from a parent to add some of this fabulous learning to the Evidence Me app. If you are able to do so, then feel free to upload any activities to your child's profile. There is no pressure to do this however and we will not expect all parents to do this as we know that the work/home life is challenging enough as it is!


We also wanted to remind you to have a look at the Topic map to see where this learning links in with the Castles theme and what the children are expected to be able to do. It will give you an overview so you know where the learning will be headed and understand some of the expectations and development of the children. 


We hope that you have a Reception group Whatsapp and are sharing your learning and top tips of what works and what doesn't with each other. It helps to keep you updated in case you miss a school notification so please do join your class or year group social platform and help to support each other. Sharing is caring and Teamwork makes the dream work as we always say to the children!


Many thanks

The Reception Team 


It is a tricky time and we are all a little confused. We just wanted to say that we are all in this together and hopefully we will all come out of the tunnel soon and back into the light.

This page is for any notices or information that you might be helpful regarding the online learning or in school learning. Hopefully we can all help each other. 


  • Home learners. Please do not hesitate to contact us via the class emails if you need extra help or troubleshooting of access to websites. We will try our best to get it sorted.


  • Home learners. Please do try to access all live lessons however if this is not possible do let us know about your alternative arrangements via the emails. Some parents have already done this and that is very helpful. Thank you.


  • Home learners. If you make anything or want to show us what you have learned at home do send us a photo and we will feedback. Mrs Smith is also using the photos as part of the Our Learning Journey display at school. 


  • If your child is coming to school they only need their water bottles, a healthy snack and packed lunch (unless ordering from Dolce). They will not need their school bags to try to minimise things going back and forth.


  • Due to the cold weather our school attendees will need a pair of gloves and hat to keep them warm please. 


Thank you so much.


The Reception Team 




