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Information for Parents

We are now sending out observations of the children at their hard work of playing! Children learn the most effectively when they play and make their own connections rather than formal learning at this tender age. We have sent out a letter which explain how to set up the link to Evidence Me. Please do look out for your email invitation to see your child's observations. 


There was a bit of a glitch at the start as their website seemed to be inaccessible however from some responses, it appears that it is working now. 


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask although please do bear with us as we are very new at this. Technology eh!


Mrs Smith and Mrs Sharon 



We have noticed that some of our children are not able to recognise 2D shapes so we are adding some links and sending home some shapes for your child to practise naming. A good way of learning is through a fun game so you could play I spy or go on a shape hunt around the house. 


Another area where children could develop their skills is spotting patterns, and being able to extend a pattern by saying what the next thing is. They could even make their own patterns - potato printing is a good one here if you like a bit of mess but if not please find the link to a Topmarks Shape game for you to practsie at home with your child. There are four levels so they get progressively harder. 


