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Info for Parents/Carers


Thank you so much for all the lovely and very generous Christmas gifts given to the Reception Team - we have enjoyed them and had a restful break. We hope that you have too. 


Spring 1 is a brand new half term and this term the children will be learning lots of new things and will be familiar with the school routine so school life will be smoother ... fingers crossed. We welcome Miss Cockle to our team - exciting times!

We are also saying goodbye to Mrs Applegate as she moves to support the Junior school and say hello to Mrs Taylor who many of you may already know; Mrs Taylor will be teaching the classes on Wednesday afternoon during Mrs Smith and Miss Cockle's PPA time. 


Do keep coming back to this page for any updates that you may have missed on the main website pages or for any additional supportive materials or links that you may find useful. 



This whole term we are exploring the theme of Prestwood and which we will be looking at our local area, reading simple maps, understanding how we fit into our world and comparing our village to other places in the world.

As ever, we would love to have your help as we work hand in hand to engage and support the children's learning. 

  • We would be grateful if you could send in a photograph of a recent holiday abroad or in a different part of the UK, within the first week of term (a real photo or one via email to the office).

  • If you know of any lovely friends or family from Nigeria who would be willing to come in and speak to the children about the country and culture, please do let Mrs Smith know. We would love for them to visit us in week 3 (week starting 15.01.24).

  • We may need some parent helpers to walk around the village with during the fourth week of school (week starting 22.01.24). If you would like to help - do let Mrs Smith know or leave your name with Mrs Ina in the school office.
