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Read the new PowerPoint to recap and learn about the jobs of police officers. At the end, it asks - would you like to be a police officer?

We would like to know your opinion on this. This means what you think or feel – there is no right or wrong answer!

Discuss with your grown-up and give reasons for your answer. “I would/would not like to be a police officer because…”

Have a look at this page from a book in school. It lists the qualities you might need to be a police officer – do any of these sound like you?

Independent task: Would you like to be a police officer? Write at least 3 sentences to say why or why not giving reasons for your answer.  You could start your sentences by saying “I would/would not like to be a police officer because…”

Extra challenge: Try starting each sentence in a different way. You could write “I also think”, “I feel”, “I would enjoy…but…” etc.


We can’t wait to read your answers!
