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To recap our work on paramedics, watch this short video.   

(Parents: it is a summary of a paramedic shift. There isn’t anything we would consider distressing to watch, but you will know your child best. If you have any concerns, you might wish to watch it first for yourself)


Today you will be showing off all your non-fiction skills and knowledge about paramedics by making a poster to show what you have learnt. Non-fiction texts use several ways to present information: questions and answers, factual sentences, labelled diagrams, lists, titles.

First, think of the information you want to convey (e.g. that paramedics drive an ambulance). Then consider the best way to show this.

  • Draw a labelled diagram of an ambulance with a caption?


  • A list of all the different vehicles that paramedics use?


  • A question and answer like you wrote yesterday?

  • A fact box to state the information?



You will need to create as many pieces as you can to tell us everything you have learnt and remember to use a big, clear title for your poster.

In school we will cut out shapes and use these for the different ways to present our information, then we will stick them onto a larger piece of paper. At home, you will need to use whatever you have available. If you want to just write all your info onto one piece of paper, then please do!


Independent task:  Make a poster about paramedics. Try to tell us everything you have learnt using a variety of ways to present your information.  

Extra challenge: Can you use all of the following?

· title

· question and answer

· labelled diagram

· did you know / fact box

· list
