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To start off with, remind yourself of the song "London's Burning". Practise singing it with your own actions. You can use your song maps from yesterday to help you with this.


Today, we are going to creating another verse to add on to this song. You will need to think about what happens in the Great Fire of London to help you come up with ideas for you new verse. You may even like to challenge yourself and come up with even more than one verse.


In the live lesson I will be going through how to create your own verse. Take a look at my two examples below:


London’s burning, London’s Burning

 Find Pepys, Find Pepys,

Bury the cheese, bury the cheese!

It’s getting bigger, getting bigger!


London’s burning, London’s burning

Get more water, get more water

Spreading wildly, spreading wildly,

We need to stop it, need to stop it!



Can you see how I have followed the structure of the original song but just changed some of the words. Have a go at this yourself!


We cannot wait to see your songs!
