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Today, in our live lesson, we are going to be writing a diary entry.


We will use our plan from yesterday's lesson to help us write about Toby's day. 


Remember he was away from his master for three days.  What do you think he did? Where in London could he have been?


Maybe he went to St Paul's Catherdral or by the river. Can you think of any other places? 


We will use the senses planning from yesterday but add to it:


Here is an example of an entry: 


Sunday 2nd September 1666

Dear Diary,


I stepped out of my Master's house and immediately I could feel the heat wrapping itself around my body. I didn’t know what was happening? I decided to continue on my way to deliver My Pepys’ diary. On my way, I could hear a crackling sound. A smoky smell seemed to be lingering in the air. When I finally reached Mr Pepys’s house, I peered over the wall and my fears had been confirmed. There in front of me was a colossal blaze, engulfing the city of London…


Your task is to write a diary entry for the first day of the fire. 

We cannot wait to see your fantastic ideas!

