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Live video Lesson

Mrs Nichol here! I am really excited to see you all and teach my first English lesson to you via Zoom. We are going to have lots of fun!


Today we will be exploring one of my favourite stories. It is called "Toby and the Great Fire of London". I will read this to you in the session, but you may need to refer to it when you are doing your independent missions. There is a Power Point underneath this with the story on for you to use in your own time.

Have a think about the following things:


Toby has a master. What do you think a master does?

Have you heard of someone called Mr Pepys before?

Have you heard of King Charles II before?

Why do you think people were blowing up houses to stop the fire from spreading?

Why did Mr Pepys have a diary?


Now, have a go at creating your very own story map for this story. Remember, a story map is just pictures to show the main events in the story.


Once you have done this, have a go at retelling the story to a grown up. If your grown up is busy working, you could tell the story to a teddy or a pet!


We cannot wait to see your story maps - you may even like to record yourself retelling the story and send that in too!


Lots to do here so lets get cracking!

Take a look at an example of a very detailed story map below: