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Children's Mental Health Week 2021

This year the theme for Children's Mental Health Week 2021 is

'Express Yourself'. 


Speaking is only one way to express ourselves - there are so many more creative ways in which we can talk about or show our inner selves to others. This week we can unleash our creativity and imagination to show our feelings whether it is in private or to the world! You can draw, paint, fashion, create arts and crafts, write and perform poems and songs, sing, play music, make models, cook or bake, take photos or make your own films...the list is infinite. Finding ways to express yourself helps to keep you happy too.


Remember activities can be completed in any way you like, you don't need to follow these suggestions either as you can make up your own. It is not about being the best...You are unique and special and fabulous in your own wonderful way. Let's do it! 


Dress to express yourself - what would you wear if you could dress how you liked?

Children's Mental Health Week 2021: Express Yourself
