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Autumn 2

Well done everyone, we are so very nearly there. 


This week we have finished off writing our own stories of a pirates adventure.  We then put ourselves into a pirates shoes or boots,  and thought about what we would do. Where would we go?  What would we eat?  The children practised putting in the correct punctuation, ensuring that they included lots of wonderful description. Describe, describe the noun! We also wrote a message in bottle requesting supplies and help! 


In Maths we looked at money.  The children investigated how much money they could have using 2, 3, 4 or 5 coins.  They could use 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p coins.  They also challenged themselves how to make the same amount, but in three different ways.  Why not have a go at home.   We then moved onto properties of shape, fraction of shape and finally fraction of number.  


In Science we looked at how animals have adapted to live in different settings.  


For Topic  we had our fabulous Pirate WOW day. We found our Pirate name, made treasure maps using paper soaked in coffee.  We enjoyed the aroma as we worked!!!!!   The children then worked out some co-ordinates in maths.  They made hooks and puppets which some used to create a puppet show.  The children learned some pirates songs.   All in all it was a fantabulous, if exhausting, day for all. 


Abacus is up and running again, so please log in and if you have any problems please let us know.  We have noticed that some of you are not logging in.  There has been issues reported in the past, but when they have logged in through another browser everything seems to work.  Let us know! 



Writer of the Week

Mathematician of the week

Star of the Week

Pirate Wow Day

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What happens next?

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In English this week we have been thinking about what might happen next to Albie. The children created their own story maps and then stepped out their stories.

Remembrance Day Poppies

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Year 2 have spent some time this week creating poppies in various forms. They have made two wreaths which are now at the Holy Trinity Church, Prestwood. They also painted some pebbles, which have been laid on the wall outside the school. They also created their own art which is displayed around the school.

Poppy Poems

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We looked at the well known poems of Flaunders Field and The Ode. The children created their own poem, with a repetition of "We will remember them."

Puppet Show

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Oak Class had great fun putting on a puppet show for each other retelling the story of Plunge into the Pirate pool. We need a little work! But we had great fun.


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In science this term we are going to be looking at Living Things and Habitats. This week we looked at things that are living, not living anymore or have never lived. We looked at what we need to survive. (water, air and food) The children looked around the classroom and took their investigating outside. For those eagle eyed, there is a typing error on one of the cards! Never living, was meant to say Never lived!