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Hello year 2. Sorry we haven't been able to do our zoom session today. I have had to come into school to look after the year 2s here.


Task 1 - Below are some worksheets for you to have a go at, if you could do 2 or 3 that would be amazing. Really take your time and follow the patterns carefully. When you are finished you can colour in your mood monster, again take your time and make it a masterpiece. 


Task 2 - I would like you to write a sentence describing a time you have felt each of these emotions, happy, sad, excited, cross, surprised and scared.

Remember to:-

  • Make sure all of your letters/words are sat on the line.
  • All your letters are the same size.
  • Tails are under the line.
  • Capital letters a nice and tall.


Have a lovely weekend.


There won't be a session next Friday as it will be a screen free day.


