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Our topic this half term is Nature Detectives.


A naturalist is an expert in or student of natural history. There are some very famous naturalists including Charles Darwin, Steve Irwin and Steve Backshall. We will be focusing on Sir David Attenborough this week. Do you know who he is? We have watched his television show Blue Planet in class.


Your task this week is to research Sir David Attenborough.  You can write some sentences, make a poster or a booklet of information about him.


Ideas for research


When and where was he born?

What did he study at university?

Where has he travelled to?

Are there any animals he doesn’t like?

Can you name any of the programmes he has made?


Use the link below to get you started and email us any photos of your completed work we would love to see it!

Sam in Sycamore Class has created a super Sir David Attenborough fact file.

Sam has created a fact file on Sir David Attenborough.

Sienna has made a start on her Sir David Attenborough fact file.

Benji's super guide to David Attenborough
