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This week for English we would like you to use the picture below from the story 'Lost and Found' as inspiration for your writing.

Using your senses imagine you are in the boat.  What can you hear, smell, see, feel and taste?

Listen to this sound clip below to help you imagine you are there. Close your eyes and imagine….

Storm sounds.mp3

Write some sentences about your senses. They could start with..


I can hear …

I can smell …

I can see …

I can feel …

I can taste…


Remember to use expanded noun phrases when you are describing your senses. Example – I can see a huge, blue wave crashing against my little, brown boat.



Now we would like you to write about what happens next…


Where could the boy and penguin go for their next adventure?  Who might they see? What might they find? Do they manage to seek shelter from the storm? Do they find themselves shipwrecked on an island? 

Once you have thought of an idea, work through the following steps:


  • Create a story map to show the events in your story.
  • Step out your story idea (Come up with a series of freeze frames/actions to show what happens at each part of your story).
  • Practise telling your story to someone else. Think about using expression in your voice and hooking your listener.
  • Next, start writing your story. Don't rush - take the time to introduce your characters and the setting.

What we are looking for: 


  • Include expanded noun phrases – example the small, lonely penguin
  • Use capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks or question marks to punctuate my sentences.
  • Use adverbs in my writing – example The penguin walked slowly towards the shore.
  • Include descriptions to do with your five senses in your writing.
  • Read your work through to check it makes sense and then edit it if needed.

We cannot wait to hear and read your stories so please do send them in!


Use the tips below to help you with your masterpieces!



James' super story!

Kiran created a plan for his story.

Anya's amazing story!
