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Week Commencing 22/6/20

Dear lovely Year 1 children and families,

We hope you are all doing well at home, here are this weeks activities for you to try! Keep up all the amazing learning you are doing J


Summer 2: Week 4



  • Practise reading the tricky words we have learnt so far; I, no, go, to, into, she, we, me, he, be, you, all, are, her, was, they and my.
  • If you want a spicy challenge you could also try; have, like, said, so, some, come, do, little, were, one, there, out, what and when. You may want to make flashcards out of these and try them each day. Don’t forget to look out for them in the books you are reading!
  • Ask your grown up to say a sound for you to write down, repeat with lots of different sound including the digraphs and trigraphs we have learnt:

Qu, she, ch, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er.

  • We have started looking at the new phase 5 graphemes too (there are different ways of writing sounds we know). “Ph is a different way of writing “f”
  •  How many words can you think of with this sound in? Which grapheme do they use?
  • If you have access to Phonics play then play Ob and Bob, select Phase 5 and chose the “Ph” sound. Is the word real or made up? You could make your own version of this game; can you make up any words with “ph” in, do you know any real words with “ph” in. Someone in your family might like to play it!



  • Keep reading!! Authors really are amazing, they use lots of different skills to make their books interesting, one of them is using adjectives. As you read, spot any adjectives and keep a list of them, how many will you find? Are there any adjectives you didn’t know that you might be able to use in your own writing one day?
  • When you are reading story books pause and make a prediction, what do you think will happen next? Are there any clues in the book that made you think that? Read on and see if your prediction was correct.   



  • We are carrying on with our learning about The tiger who came to tea. Read the story together again, if you don’t have the book then have a look at this video; .
  • There is also an animated version of the story available to buy on Amazon Prime should you wish to have a look at that.
  • This week we are going to change the story of the Tiger who came to tea to make it our own version. We are going to change the animal and the food/ drink they eat/ drink. Write down your ideas; which idea do you think would be the best idea for the new story and why?
  • Have a go at writing the new story. Remember to try and use full stop,s capital letters, finger spaces and adjectives. Also try and use time words like “After that” and “Next” in your writing.
  • Let’s imagine someone exciting is going to come to tea; play “Would you rather” e.g. would you rather an elephant or a tiger came to tea? Say why you would prefer this. Repeat with lots of different examples e.g. The Queen/ Boris Johnson, Beatrix Potter/ Judith Kerr, Taylor Swift/ Elton John etc.
  • Choose one person you would like to have to tea at your house. Write down who and use the word “Because” to say why.
  • Let’s imagine they really are coming to tea, what should we cook? Write a menu to show the different food and drinks that you would have for them to choose from.
  • Pretend you are really going to invite them and write an invitation. Remember to put “Dear” or “To” at the start and say who it’s from at the end. You will need to say when and where the tea party is.
  • You might like to celebrate your learning this week by having a little tea party with your grown up/s.



  • Each time we do maths we like to warm our brains up first; see how many number bonds to 10 you can remember in 1 minute and write them down, see how many doubles you can remember in one minute and write them down.
  • At school we are going to have another practise at breaking down 2 digit numbers into tens and ones and writing this as a number sentence e.g. 30+3=33.
  • Once we’ve practised this we are going to look at what happens when we change a number sentence by changing the number of tens in one of the numbers, for example:  



24+5=29… what would be next? Did you notice that the number of ones stayed the same but the number of tens increased each time. We didn’t have to solve the number sentence again each time because we could use the facts we knew! Chose a different number sentence to try this with and see if you can continue the pattern.

  • After we have finished this learning we are moving on to learning about money. We are going to be practising recognising the coins from 1p to £2, perhaps your grownups have some at home you can look at.
  • This about all the different ways you could sort them; by colour, by size, by shape etc. As you sort them talk about what each coin is like, noticing its features, this will help you to recognise it.
  • We are going to be having a go at giving change from 10p; we can use our number bonds to 10 to help us with this! You might like to choose a few of your toys, make some price tags and set up a little shop (keep the prices less than 10p). Take turns to be the customer and shop assistant, the customer only has 10p to pay with. Work out how much change they need. Have a go at writing this as a number sentence e.g. 10p-6p=4p.
  • If you would like an extra challenge you could try giving the customer 20p instead of 10p to make the number sentences a bit trickier.



  • This week in science we are thinking back to our learning about Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores. We are imagining that different animals are coming to tea; what type of food would they eat? Carnivores would want to eat meat, Herbivores would want to eat plants and omnivores would eat a mixture of both.
  • Choose an animal to come to tea at your house. Research its diet and then plan a meal, remember to think about whether it is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore! You could even make a menu for your animal guest!  


Topic: (Humanities: History)

  • As we are reading The tiger who came to tea, we are learning about Judith Kerr. With your grown up find out more about her and her life. Write some sentences about her, you might even like to turn them into a fact file.


Music: Login to Charanga (details sent home prior to lockdown)



  • Join in with the zoom lessons Mr Robert is doing. We wish we could come to these but now that we are in school it is sadly not possible.


Most importantly, take care and stay safe! J

Year 1 Team. xxx
