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Week Commencing 20/04/2020

Dear lovely Year 1 children and families,


We hope you are still indoors, keeping safe and well and are enjoying some time together in this beautiful weather. We sincerely wish we could be learning together in school but whilst we are apart, here are some more activities for you to try. Our first Summer topic is “Fantastic Forests.”

As before, please do not feel that you have to complete every activity, please pick and choose as suits. We have tried to steer away from lots of worksheets which require printing but there are a huge number of these easily available on line if they would better meet your needs.

We are missing you lots, and hope to see you soon,

Year 1 Team xxx



  • We have heard that the Phonics Play website ( has had some problems but if these are resolved, the games on here are still worthwhile.
  • Write out all the sounds from phase 3 or phase 5 and hide them around the house or garden for a treasure hunt, saying the sound when you find it. Brainstorm words which contain these sounds (an adult will need to check this is correct!) and write a sentence for each word.


  • Please continue to read for pleasure! Even if you do not have reading materials entirely suited to your child’s level, anything can be read with support. Try a page each, or the adult reads but asks the child to read any of our tricky words/words which can be sounded out.
  • Act out/retell a story by acting, using teddies, drawings, sock puppets etc.
  • Design a new front cover for a book you’ve read.


  • Watch “The Gigantic Turnip” (or, if you have a book of the Enormous Turnip, this would work too!)
  • Can you orally retell this story to a grown-up or a sibling? You could use actions to help you, or toys as props! Try to include the repeated phrases from the story.
  • Can you remember what an adjective is? Can you write some adjectives (describing words) for the: house, man, hen, weather, pig from the story? You could write these as a list or a spider diagram.
  • Can you write a description of one of the characters from the story? Remember when we wrote about Izzy Gizmo and Elmer, we described what they look like and what their personality is like (what they are like inside).


  • Continue with Abacus maths. We will add new games but we are limited to how many we can add at a time and these may now cover maths we have not yet taught.
  • Place Value & Partitioning:
  • Choose some same/similar sized objects to represent “tens” (e.g. pencils, long Legos, sticks) and some smaller ones to represent “ones” (marbles, small Legos, balls of Playdoh, little stones). Pick a 2 digit number (from a hundred square, from an online number generator, from some written on slips of paper) and try to make it using the right amount of tens and ones e.g. 47 is made up of 4 tens and 7 ones.
  • As an extension to this, could you record this below each representation as written above?
  • Ask your grown up to make you a 2 digit number using your objects. Can you write the number? You could have several made up and match these to numbers on paper slips/post-its.
  • You could try this:
  • Could you practise your number bonds to 10? What are all the pairs of numbers which add up to 10? You could say this out loud, your grown up could say a number and you reply with its pair, you could find and match up number cards, you could have 10 objects and sort them into two groups to make all the different pairs…
  • Practise writing your numbers to 20. Make sure you form each number correctly and check it is the right way round! With the 2 digit numbers, check that the digits are in the right order too!


  • For the first lesson of each half term, we usually go on a “Seasons Walk”. Could you replicate this on a walk in the village (if safe for you and your family to do so), around your garden, or by watching a video?
  • If you are able to go out, you could document your experience with photos which you could print off and annotate. Alternatively, you could draw a picture, a labelled diagram or write a list to show what you have seen/understand to be the signs of Spring.
  • Discuss the change in hours of sunlight over a year. Talk about personal experience of this e.g. how it is still light outside when you go to bed in the summer or how it is already dark when you drive home from swimming lessons in the winter/when you saw the fireworks in November.

Topic: (Humanities: Geography)

  • We would have been learning about the capital cities in the UK, beginning with London.
  • Can you research (with a grown up!) London?
  • Can you locate London on a map of the UK?
  • Can you make a poster which includes drawing and writing to show what you have found out about London? E.g. Which country is it in? Is it a city, town or village? What famous landmarks or residents are there? What is London renowned for?
  • Thursday 23rd is St. George’s day. Perhaps you could find out about him and why he has a special day?


  • Login to Charanga (details sent home prior to lockdown)


  • Mr Roberts will email the new link for Zoom lessons each week. Hazel is at 10.30 and Maple at 11.00 on a Friday morning and there has been an open to all session on a Friday afternoon.


  • Wednesday is Earth Day
  • Could you find out what you can do to help the environment? Perhaps you could make a pledge – what could you and your family commit to?
  • You could write: “We promise to…” and illustrate your idea with a picture of you doing it, or the reason why you need to do it, or what you hope the result of you doing it could be! 


Most importantly, stay at home and stay safe J

RE: Mrs Naylor would have been teaching the children about the Christian story of creation this week.

French: Madame Naylor would like to see if the children can draw and label these French foods
