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Spring 1

We made it to the end of the half term. I do hope the half term lets the children have a well deserved break. 

We really have been busy with learning about animal body parts, to understanding place value in maths. We had a lovely restful mindfulness day on Thursday, the children had a carousel of very relaxing activities. I know I was worn out from doing yoga all day!

Please have a very restful half term and see you all back in a week.

The Year One Team.


Weekly Certificates

Its been crazy here with our crazy creatures that have come to visit us. We have had so much fun learning about the insects and their habitat. Who knew how many hearts a cockroach has? 

In also news we have been working hard in English in preparing ourselves to write our own fact file on our own crazy creature

In Maths we have worked hard in our near doubles, and worded questions, we have proved ourselves better than we thought!


All pictures will come here is a snippet..



This week has flown by, we have been working hard in everything. In English we used a picture of our Ridgeback Dragon to write some poetry. We had a lesson in the library and learnt all about the differences between fact and fiction books. In Maths we looked at number lines, one more one less and estimating. We had a really fun lesson estimating various objects in containers. In Art we have been printing using wooden sticks and creating dinosaur pictures, which link into our topic of dinosaurs and this week we have been studying fossils and how paleontologists used these to work out what our planet was like millions of years ago. After all of this research we had a very calming yoga lesson in PE and ended the week having some reading for pleasure time.

Hopefully it will not be as cold next week.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year One Team.

Welcome back! 

Well we have settled right back into school and the children have been working very hard this week.

In English we have been starting our new non fiction text  'The Ridgeback Dragon' the children have created their story map and have been using conjunctions in their sentences.

In Maths, we have been learning more place value and one more and one less, they really now have got this concept. Well done Maple's!

In Science we have started animal classification and grouped our animals into their correct groups.

In Topic we have started learning about dinosaurs, this week the three periods of time of when they existed. 

In PE were are doing yoga and wall games

In Art we are looking at print and what that means and looks like.

On top of all of that we still are doing phonics handwriting and reading.

Please can you make sure your child's reading book and reading record is in their bag every day.

Enjoy a restful weekend.

The Year One Team.

Weekly Certificates
