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Mental Health and Well-being

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                                                                      Mental Health and Well-being


It is absolutely amazing that Mental Health is something we are speaking more about. There is no shame in asking for support, it is the biggest and bravest step someone can take. We recognise the difficulty in this which is why we as a School, speak so openly about Mental Health and Well-being.


Here are some ideas to promote positive Mental Health and Well-being at home:


. Providing activities based on your child’s interest. For example, if your child enjoys Art they could express themselves through creativity. There is no wrong answer in the way in which they choose to express themselves.


. Regular physical activity. What can you see on your walk? What can you touch and what does this feel like? What can you hear? What can you smell? This can be adapted in many ways, take a piece of paper and pencil with you and connect with nature.


. Having a worry box or journal. Your child can write or draw their worries and then keep these safe tucked away inside the box or journal. These can be explored at a later date or nearer the time of the worry.


. Ask your child how their day was, encouraging them to rate it out of ten. Can they tell you one thing that made them smile that day? This then discourages the typical answer of “good” and prompts them to think about it. Perhaps something upset them, don’t be afraid to explore this too. All emotions are important.


. Grounding using their body. Taking their shoes and socks off and walking barefoot on the floor, what does this feel like? (Make sure the area is safe to do so!)


. Visual cards. Your child may find it difficult expressing their emotions through talking. Create the cards with your child to make them personal and have these accessible.


. Ask your child what they find helpful when upset. They may want to be left alone, have a cuddle, play a game, do some colouring or read a book. Encourage them to recognise what they find useful.


. Sleep is important for our Mental Health and Well-being. Routine and structure for bedtime. For example, no electronics before bed, a book or audio book, calming sounds, dim lighting, lavender spray. When we are resting our mind can race. Encourage your child to write, draw or share their thoughts before bed.


. If possible, a safe space for your child to go when feeling distressed. This can be a den, their bedroom, a corner in the living room. Anywhere they feel safe and comfortable. Could they describe or draw their safe space? What and who would they want in this space?


. Encouraging your child to set REALISTIC goals. Where is the fun in setting ourselves up to fail? We all have our strengths and weaknesses, which is the beauty of us being unique. Praise the achievements and attempts, no matter the outcome.


We want nothing more than for your child to feel accepted, valued and respected for the incredible individuals they are. Please do contact us with any concerns you have regarding your child’s Mental Health and Well-being.



Please do contact your GP if you feel you or your child will benefit from further support. You can also visit
