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Hello to the literacy page and the book of the week is The Bad Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carl.


I love this book (Mrs Smith) - it really makes me laugh and then I can't read it out loud because I am laughing so much. The children also love to join in with the repeated phrase. Can you spot it? 


Watch Miss Randall read the story and listen carefully as there will be activities for you to do at the end. 

🐞 Kids Book Read Aloud: THE BAD-TEMPERED LADYBIRD by Eric Carle | StoryTime with Miss Randall

🐞 The Bad-Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle. QUESTIONS AND ACTIVITIES BELOW ⬇️ Description: The Bad-Tempered Ladybird picks fights with every animal he meets, ...

Try these challenges:

Cool: Think of a minibeast to start each letter of the alphabet e.g.A - ant

Mild: Draw a storymap of the story.

Hot: Write a sentence for the beginning, middle and end of the story. Remember to use Capital letters, finger space and full spots. If you really want a challenge then also add joining words like 'and'. 


an example of the storymap
