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Autumn 2

Its finally December and the children are already looking forward to Christmas. We have worked very hard this week in English writing our innovated bear hunt story.  I am very proud of the use of some fantastic language in their writing. In Maths we have been looking at repeating patters and 2D shapes. 

In Science we experimented to see what material could keep water hottest for longest to determine which material would be the best for making ear muffs. 

In Topic we finished our learning about the Wright Brothers

In Art we have been looking at shadows and produced some amazing show work. 

In life skills we learnt about trusted adults and who they could be in their own family.

Have a great weekend

Year One Team

Weekly Certificates

And just like that another week has past. I have been so impressed with the children's English work this week, we are starting next week innovating our own story and we have come up with some fabulous adjectives and we have started to pile these up using the power of three.

In Maths we are looking at 3D and 2D shapes, maybe you can have a shape hunt around the house this weekend. What at home is a cylinder, cube, cuboid, cone and a pyramid?

In Science we are going to carry out an experiment next week to see what material keeps water hottest for longest. We have been learning about how Chester Greenwood made the very first pair of earmuffs. 

In Topic we learnt about the Wright Brothers and what they invented, we learnt the first flight lasted 12 seconds!

Finally in life skills we talked about keeping ourselves safe at home and where medicines are stored. We learnt that we should only take medicine that has been prescribed to you. We had fun role playing this pretending we were at the pharmacy.


Just a gentle reminder all reading records and reading books need to be in book bags everyday please.

Have a good if not cold weekend.

Maple Class Team.

Weekly certificates

Welcome back to School. The children have come back with such a fabulous attitude and have been working really hard with great determination to try their hardest.

We are continuing to write adjectives to describe settings for our talk for writing even using feely bags to get some great vocabulary., even if we winced at some of the contents of the bags!

In Maths we are working out written number problems and remembering our number bonds to 10.

In Science we are looking at inventors and we have studied Ole Kirk Christiansen the inventor of Lego.

In Topic, we learnt about Guy Fawkes before fireworks night and how he was part of the "plot". 

In PE, we have started gymnastics which has been a huge hit.


The weather is now starting to get colder, please can I remind you to bring a coat, we go out in all weathers, and if your child wants a hat etc can they also be named.


Have a restful weekend

The Year One Team.
