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Autumn 1

We did it! We made it through to half term. I am so proud of everyone. The children have embraced Year 1 fully and have really shown they are ready for this year. 

We finished on a high today with a science experiment testing absorbent and non absorbent materials, we had lots of fun.

In English this week we have been practicing time connectives and using these in simple sentence writing. The work this week has been amazing!

In Maths we finally are working on number bonds to 10. If you want any half term practice please see if your child can remember the bonds to 10.

Please have a restful and relaxing break.

Year 1 Team

Wow! another fabulous week. Thank you for all coming to parents evening, please remember if you have any concerns I am around in the mornings and at pick up times or please call the office. I am delighted with the children's progress so far this half term. 

We have been learning a new text this week in English based on the Three Little Pigs, we even had a builder come to school today  looking very similar to Mrs Cordell to tell them to the text.

In Maths we have started learning part part whole and had lots of practical examples, your children can show you, they have done so well.

Please don't forget that we have wet weather now so please can you remember a coat every day.


Year 1 Team


Weekly Certificates

The children have worked so hard this week. We started this week with walking through sand and water to come up with a hook for our new English writing. It was a bit cold but we managed to get a lot of writing around it. In Maths we have been practicing our 1 more and 1 less, and orally counting backwards and forwards.

In PE we have been learning about pathways and how to dance around areas in a count of 8 with meaning.

In Topic we have been looking at designing our own map symbols. It was fun to see what images they drew for various places!

In Art we have started to paint the sleepy hollows, and we have made our own Autumn pictures by printing leaves and conkers.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Year 1 Team

Weekly Certificates

Another fun week has finished. The children are getting into the swing of year 1 very well. We have worked hard on innovating our story of Kazzim  and the Greedy Dragon. In Maths we have learnt the terms 'fewer, more and same' as well as 1:1 number correspondence. We went on a virtual tour of the village with Mrs Cordell's dog showing us the sights! We learnt what is found in Prestwood and what is not. We have practiced our handwriting and of course of phonics every day. 


It will soon start to get colder, a rain coat may not keep your child as warm as a winter coat. Please can you make sure you label all items of clothes even clothes for multi sports etc. You may think your child is the only one with that particular top, but you will be surprised!


Have a lovely weekend

Year 1 Team




Weekly Certificate and Star of the Week

Please see the Meet the Teacher presentation.

Week 2 complete! We have been busy. In Maths this week we have been learning to count on from a single number and practising writing our numbers as words.  In English we have been continuing our short text on "Kazzim and the greedy dragon", maybe your child can show you the actions of the story.  In Science we have been on a materials hunt. We can recognise what objects around the school are made up of, ( wood, plastic, glass, fabric, metal). In PE we are starting dance and have been learning to count to the beat of 8 and move in time with the music.

Finally in Topic, we are leaning about maps and this week we drew our own fictional map of where Little Red Riding Hood lives.


Thank you for those of you who attended our meet the teachers presentation, was good to be able to chat to some of you as well.

Enjoy a sunny weekend.




Weekly Certificates

Welcome back and welcome to Maple class. What a fantastic week we have had, even if it has been rather hot! The children have been amazing, I cannot believe how well they have taken to the new challenges of year 1 so far.


I look forward to seeing some of you if can you make it to the presentation on Wednesday but if you cannot make it and have a question please let me know.


The weather may change next week but please can you ensure your child has a named hat and water bottle each day.



Maple class team

Well done certificates
