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Week 2


This week we will be exploring lifecycles of some different minibeasts. We enjoyed our bug hunt last week and talked about what we already know and some things that we would like to find out. We got our caterpillars in the post and we have seen how tiny they are however they are already growing and we look forward to seeing what will happen next. 


Phonics: We review phase 3 long vowel sounds and phase 2 digraphs as well as the suffix -es which sounds like 'z'. We are learning the new tricky words:  some, come, love and do. We are practising writing sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 


Literacy: We take a look at the life cycles of bees, caterpillars and ladybirds learning new vocabulary so that we can talk about them. We will also have a go at making life cycle posters so that we can show what we have learned. 


Maths: We are honing our number bond skills so that we understand how to make numbers to 10. We are also reviewing subitising numbers to 5 (recognise without counting) and having a go at recalling number bonds to 10 including some doubles facts. 


Topic: In topic we learn about St George as it was St George's Day on Sunday 23rd April. 

Secret reader

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This week in reception....

In our literacy lessons we looked at lifecycles and had a go at explaining some of them. We created the lifecycle and then added actions to the sentences so that we could remember them better. Can you work out which minibeast we are talking about? 



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