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Information for Parents

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Hello all, 


We hope that the children have now settled into Summer term. We are looking forward to warmer weather and have lots of things to look forward to. 


Since the start of this term, lots of children have been surreptitiously been bringing in little toys and trinkets from home. It can be a rush in the morning however, we would be grateful if you could ensure these small items stay in the safety of your home. We have had a couple of instances of these being lost or taken resulting in upset children. 


Any items found in school will be kept safe by the teacher and handed back at pick up time at the end of the day. 


Thank you for your support


The EYFS Team. 

Summer 1 


Despite the inclement weather, we hope that you have had a relaxing break and are ready for the first half of Summer Term. We will be looking at the topic of Magical Minibeasts and as the weather improves, we will hopefully see more of our tiny friends around the setting. 


We look forward to welcoming you for Secret Reader sessions. 


After Parent's Evening, if there are any other questions and concerns you may have, please do let us know so that we can arrange a meeting or a follow up for any discussions which may have taken place. 


The EYFS Team x 
